Quality Analytical Laboratory Services Limited Laboratories undertake the microbiological and chemical assessment/analysis of soil, air, oil, water, industrial effluent and processed food materials for biodegradability and quality control.
Quality Analytical Laboratory Services Limited provides offshore and onshore facility auditing services for discharge studies and oil spill contingency planning and management.
We carry out (EIA) studies to guide the activities and development of all projects listed in Decree No. 86 of 1992 of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria for which EIA is mandatory. We suggest mitigation strategies and prepare statutory Environmental Impact Statement (EIAS).
We install and maintain water and waste water treatment plant.
We carry out long and short-term monitoring programs for historical factors affecting site environmental conditions with respect to air, water, soil noise and vegetation for private or corporate insurance purposes.
We provide and give strategic advice on cost-effective safe management of all types of domestic, industrial, toxic and hazardous wastes, including appropriate technology for the minimization, recycling, remediation and safe disposal of wastes in an environmentally friendly way i.e;
Quality Analytical Laboratory Services Limited provides specialized services in the location, assessment, development, exploitation and management of local and regional water resources; with experts in Geotechnics, Hydraulics, combating salt water intrusion and model simulation.
Quality Analytical Laboratory Services Limited offers technical training courses which are essential for the efficient performance of industrial personnel. The courses are tailored to improve, upgrade and introduce advanced management skills. The major aim is to improve productivity by addressing specific industrial problems through upgrading of employee’s knowledge and skills, otherwise not acquired through formal school training.
Quality Analytical Laboratory Services Limited provides waste management system that treats municipal waste to achieved rich organic mulch for re-use in agricultural practice.